Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Knitting Bag

This is a really simple, really quick drawstring bag I ran up last weekend. I wasn't feeling well and I didn't leave the house, so naturally I got really bored and had to do something. I grabbed a few lumps of fabric I had in my box: linen, Japanese 'music town' fabric (from Matatabi at etsy) and some yellow gingham. I didnt even measure anything. I just cut out two rectangles of linen, cut the music town fabric in half, and sewed up the edges. Then I made a yellow gingham tube, turned it inside out and sewed along the top and bottom, making sure to keep the ends open for the cord to fit through. Simple. I now use it as a knitting bag, to keep all my wool and needles together, but it would be also perfect to bring on holiday as a small laundry bag, or flip flop bag.

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